Adding Allotments/Points To A Customer

If  your site uses Allotment/Points or something similar as a payment method, you can edit the allotment amounts for individual users. Allotments/Points must be enabled on your site for use. Contact our support team to have this feature enabled if necessary. If you have a large number of allotments to add for multiple users, we […]

Submitting Orders to Ship Compliant

To submit orders to Ship Compliant: ASSUMPTION: All orders are checked through Ship Compliant during ordering process. We suggest, and the how-to below assumes, that any order that is ‘order only, no wish quantities’ will not only be auto-checked, but also auto-verified, since it should not require any further staff interaction. Login to your admin […]

Creating An Admin/Back-End Order

There may be times when you need to redo an order for whatever reason, typically to replace a damaged bottle, or if something was missed shipping out an order. To place an order in the back end do the following: Log in to the back end like you normally would Go to the customer record […]

Completing Non-UPS Orders

If your site has non-UPS orders: Brick & Mortar/Curbside pickup options USPS shipping for merch ABC store shipping (VA Distilleries) there is an additional step needed to complete your orders. UPS shipped orders have UPS info assigned to them, so the system knows to auto-complete when the end-of-day process is run. This is not the […]

Placing a B2B Order

NOTE: Because B2B rules vary state-to-state, B2B is not set up by default on websites. Please contact to make sure your site is set up correctly before completing the steps below. To place an order for a B2B store, use the steps below: Getting Started – PreOrder Todos Log in to EOS Find the […]

Refunding An Order

If you are cancelling the entire order and refunding it, please see: Canceling An Order To refund an order: Log into your admin section Go to Orders/Search in the top nav Filter using any available fields and click Search or just click Search to return all orders Click the Order number in the first column […]

Fulfilling An Order

Fulfilling an order in your site is literally only a few clicks, in fact, we had one client tell us “it was so easy I thought we did something wrong.” To fulfill an order: Log in and go to Orders/Picking Tickets Any order in the Processing status will appear in the Picking Ticket list Other […]

Completing Curbside Pickup Orders

If your site has distillery or curbside pickup option, there is an additional step needed to complete your distillery/curbside pickup orders. Shipped orders have UPS info assigned to them, so the system knows to auto-complete when the end-of-day process is run. This is not the case for pickup orders. To complete picked up orders: Login […]

Canceling An Order

It is best if you do this BEFORE you print a picking ticket. Log into your admin section Go to Orders/Search in the top nav Filter using any available fields and click Search or just click Search to return all orders Click the Order number in the first column to go to the order in […]