Promoting Your Site Best Practices

To get the most benefit out of your new shop, we suggest you feature a link to it prominently in several places:

  • Have your webmaster add a call to action button or link to ‘Shop Online Now’ or similar wording, linking directly to your new site. We suggest you add it to a prominent place on your home page and also the navigation of your current website.
  • If you would like to add buy now buttons to your individual product pages, linking to the products on the new site, let us know and we can provide those, or show you how to get them.
  • We also suggest adding a ‘shipping to X states disclaimer’ and possibly a ‘buy more and save on shipping’ disclaimer to your site to let your customers know where you can ship and that they can get a lower per-bottle shipping price for larger orders.
  • Be sure to share the link in your social media profiles, like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc… and in any newsletters or other company news outlets. Do this often to keep the new online shop fresh in the minds of your customers.

Have an idea we have not mentioned? Let us know and we can add it to the list to help other distilleries.